Why impact matters?
The one resource that you can't make more of is time. Yet it has the 'power' over so many in that it influences their actions and results. When I run my 'crunch time' workshops, one of the most satisfying comments I hear at the end of the sessions is, 'I realise the problem isn't time'. Yes, you can learn how to use it more effectively: god knows there are that many productivity books around. But time is finite. What I know about the participants in my sessions and the work I do with my clients, is that time is never the real issue. The fundamental issue that most finance leaders face is that they struggle to get sh!t done. There are plenty of reasons why that's the case and time is just one of them. The reality is, that it's so hard to get through our increasing workload because the environment today is constantly changing and full of complexities.
If you want to deliver outstanding results in an environment that is more complex than ever, you need to do something different.
This is where cut-through comes in
Have you ever been in a meeting where there are 5 different conversations happening across the table at the same time? It's noisy, it's chaotic and quite frankly it's a waste of time. In that same situation, have you ever had someone pipe up with a simple question that cuts all conversation off and refocuses the room? That's cut-through.
The thing about cut-through is it stops unproductive action and serves to refocus minds and actions towards the things that matter. Uncertainty brings all sorts of unproductive activity out of the woodwork and there's just not enough time to waste.
You need to get your message across first time
I've shared this challenge before and I continue to do so while it's still relevant: getting my kids to school in the morning. The current issue is the socks. But it actually doesn't matter what the issue de jour is, because there's always something. And because of this, when I say, 'ok girls, we need to go upstairs and brush our teeth', they lose their sense of hearing. Not only do they not go upstairs and brush their teeth, but it's usually an indication that it's time to start a new art project.
How many times at work have you requested something of someone and (a) it doesn't happen or (b) you get something completely different back? It's what spawned the need for 'flag for follow-up' in Microsoft Outlook and the red pen for mark-ups.
Imagine the possibility of getting what you need every time?
This is where impact comes into play.
When it comes to amplifying your impact and delivering exceptional results, I think you need to:
1. Make people take notice of you when you're around. So when you walk into that meeting, people look at you and say hi.
2. Help your message be heard by the people that need to hear it. That's right, you need to do the work to help them listen.
3. Construct your message in a way that enables people to clearly understand it...and most importantly, take the right action.
4. Carry yourself with the energy needed to inspire confidence in others. You need to take 100% responsibility for your own impact.
We love an equation we can remember
I = C + R
Impact is when you have cut-through and deliver outstanding results.
How to use the equation?
If you're not sure whether you're delivering with impact, consider the following 2 questions:
1. Am I getting the results I want?
2. Am I creating cut-through with the people that matter?
Love to hear how you use I = C + R...