• the additional meetings held because decisions/agreements can't be made
• the confusion created for staff
• the extra work created to get to agreement and decision, and to undo confusion
How much time is wasted in that process? What is the cost of that time? There is no room for dysfunction during crunch times. You need everyone on board, focused on delivering accurate results FAST. What to do? Dysfunction is caused by a number of things, but when it gets in the way of delivery, a powerful way to overcome is to call it out. Then rename it. The root cause of dysfunction is a difference of opinion. You know what this is also called? Diversity of thinking. Diversity of thought is a powerful characteristic of high performing teams. Teams that have diverse thinking can be better at solving problems than teams that think the same. Decisions can be made more effectively and accurate judgments made. That is, if the energy of the group is harnessed effectively and the differences of opinion are clearly articulated. In practice - get out of dysfunction and into diversity as quickly as possible. This opens the gates to delivery. What we are talking about here is preventing dysfunction that can caused by diversity mismanaged. Break through this, and you'll find that productive activity becomes free flowing and you dramatically improve your ability to deliver crunch times right first time. From dysfunction, to diversity to delivery. Call it. Name it. Deliver it.