Top 2024 Conferences for CFOs and Finance Leaders: Must-Attend Events

05/10/2024 15:30:00 +0800
Maximise Your Professional Development Opportunities at 2024's Top Finance Leadership Conferences

Get the comprehensive list of must-attend conferences for CFOs and finance professionals in 2024
Get actionable advice on how to prepare for, engage in, and follow up after events to maximise professional growth opportunities
Learn why attending these premier conferences is essential for CFOs and finance leaders
For CFOs and finance executives striving to stay competitive and effective in this rapidly evolving economic landscape, attending top-tier conferences is essential.

These events are more than just a gathering of financial professionals and a place to rack up those CPE credits; they are your chance to get out of the office and brush up on the latest in innovation and the critical insights shaping today's CFOs.

Want to see me speak in person? Catch me at CFO Magazine's CFO Symposium on May 16th in Brisbane. The topic of this year's symposium is "Through the CFO Lens; Towards 2030". My talk is structured to help CFO's discover strategies and insights essential for navigating the evolving landscape of finance teams and explore innovative approaches to building a future-ready team. To book your tickets, visit

Why in-person conferences are more relevant now than ever
In-person professional development conferences have regained importance in 2024 as they facilitate crucial networking opportunities and interpersonal skills development that were diminished during Covid.

Not only that but there are profound changes on the horizon. AI and other emerging technologies have huge implications on finance professionals beyond data analytics. For finance chiefs, conferences such as those listed below are an invaluable resource and play a critical role in helping your business maintain its competitive edge. They offer opportunities for professional growth and professional education and they provide a forum to engage with the latest news about digital transformation and risk management.

What to expect from CFO Conferences in 2024
Conferences provide a dynamic environment to absorb actionable insights from keynote speakers, participate in panel discussions, and engage with like-minded peers. They offer a unique blend of learning and development opportunities that can help chief financial officers (CFOs) and financial executives shape the future of their organisations.
Preparing to Attend
• Identify Goals: Determine what you want to achieve — whether it's gaining specific knowledge, meeting industry leaders, or finding new vendors.

• Engage Actively: Plan to participate in sessions and network actively.
• Follow Up: Ensure to connect with new contacts post-event and integrate learned strategies into your business practices.

Upcoming Events for Your Calendar
The CA ANZ Accounting Conference 2024

Location: Online
Date: 16 May 2024
Overview: Dedicated to the continuous professional development of the chief financial officer, this symposium offers sessions on the latest accounting standards, financial reporting updates, compliance requirements and the market dynamic shaping the role of finance leaders today.

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CFO Magazine's CFO Symposium

Location: Brisbane
Date: 16th May 2024
Overview: The QLD CFO Symposium 2024 is themed "Through the CFO Lens - Towards 2030", focusing on the evolving role of CFOs in navigating future financial landscapes. The event will feature over four hours of networking, along with keynotes, panel discussions, and interviews aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of disruptive forces in finance, such as emerging technologies. Wondering how AI can help you with your data analytics? This is the place to find out more.

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Future of Finance Summit

Location: Sydney, Australia
Date: 16 - 18 September, 2024
Overview: An essential event for finance professionals, this annual conference offers over 40 sessions led by industry leaders from Australia and New Zealand on the main conference agenda alone. It promises unparalleled opportunities for learning about strategic, digital, and operational transformation within the finance function and is the premier event for those who wish to get a c-suite perspective on the digital transformation currently underway.

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The CFO Forum

Location: Sydney, Australia
Date: 17th October 2024
Overview: This year's CFO Forum centres on the evolving role of CFOs as strategists, innovators, and leaders. This must attend event provides an opportunity for finance professionals to engage with over 40 sessions that address challenges and opportunities in financial leadership, focusing on topics like risk management, digital transformation, and strategic leadership.

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The CPA Congress

Location: Canberra, Australia
Date: 15-18 October 2024 (+ 7 weeks on demand)
Overview: The CPA Congress 2024, is designed to cater to both in-person and virtual attendees, providing a comprehensive platform for learning and networking. The event will feature an array of masterclasses, keynote presentations, a specialized panel discussion and a gala dinner. Additionally, it offers a 7-week OnDemand period post-event, allowing attendees to revisit the sessions at their convenience. This dual format not only facilitates a broad spectrum of learning opportunities but also offers flexible participation options for global attendees

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CFO Edge

Location: Sydney
Date: 12 November 2024
Overview: CFO Edge is an influential gathering that brings together chief financial officers from Australia's leading organizations. The event focuses on the future of finance, with discussions led by industry experts on topics such as digital transformation, economic forecasting, and leadership in uncertainty.

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Gartner CFO & Finance Executive Conference 2025

Location: Sydney, Australia
Date: 24 – 25 March 2025
Overview: This industry event brings together financial leaders to explore new financial practices, with a strong focus on leveraging data and analytics to drive business outcomes. Ideal for CFOs looking to harness technology for financial planning and analysis.

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Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Attendance
Here's how to ensure you extract every bit of value from these events:
1. Early Bird Pricing: Take advantage of early registration benefits not just for cost savings, but also for exclusive networking opportunities that often come with early bird packages.

2. Prepare Questions for Keynote Speakers: With industry leaders and financial management experts in attendance, preparing thoughtful questions in advance can help you engage more effectively during Q&A sessions.
3. Plan for Professional Development: Many conferences offer sessions for CPE credits and structured tracks that focus on specific themes like financial services, strategic financial planning, or digital transformation. Target these to fulfil your professional development needs.
4. Document Insights: Keeping a record of the critical issues discussed and insights gained can be invaluable. Review these post-conference to assess how they apply to your role and organisation.
5. Network Intentionally: With finance professionals from across the globe, the chance to forge new connections is vast. Focus on quality interactions rather than quantity. Seek out peers who discuss critical issues or who are involved in areas relevant to your goals.
6. Attend Evening Events: Evening events, pre-conference workshops and other specific events outside the conference program are a great way to build your network. People are typically more relaxed and open to conversation and they're often not as well attended as events on the program so they have a more intimate feel.

Why These Conferences Are Unmissable for Finance Leaders
Why These Conferences Are Unmissable for Finance Leaders
CFO and finance leader conferences are an investment in your future as a finance professional. So, as you plan your professional calendar for 2024, prioritise these conferences to not only enhance your knowledge and skills but also to position yourself and your finance team at the forefront of the industry.

Looking for an engaging speaker with real world experience as a finance leader to speak at your next event? 

Download my speaking kit.

What outcome do you want from your CPD events this year?
Which of the above are you already registered for?
How can you be more intentional about your professional development?

Love to hear your thoughts...

Author: Alena Bennett

Alena works with leaders and their teams to connect technical and leadership skills so they can deliver to deadline without killing their people.
She is a mentor, trainer, facilitator and coach. Contact her today on [email protected].
Grab your copy of Alena's CFO of the Future!

This is the trusted guide for CFOs to lead with IMPACT and create VALUE.

Grab your copy of Alena's Meaning Matters!

It's time for women in finance to find power in their purpose!

 ⓒ 2023




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